Saturday, February 06, 2010

My Baba

I was digging through the external hard drive for before pics of some of the rooms in the house and came across one of my favorite pictures of all time. This is my grandmother and grandfather on their wedding day in the early '40s in Hawaii.

This was a woman who grew up so poor that she dropped out of school in the eigth grade to help take care of her six brothers and sisters. But, between her (and her family's) seamstress skills and the big fat huge deal weddings traditionally represented in Japanese culture, this is the beauty they created that day.

My Baba was one of the sweetest people I've ever known.  I vividly remember her getting mildly angry about something once when I was a child and it completely floored me.  She never had a cross word or an uncharitable thought about anyone or anything.  It makes me happy that for one day, she starred in a grandiose and gorgeous production celebrating her and her love.

Isn't she beautiful?

Technorati tags: wedding, family, hawaii


Jason (the commenter) said...

Oh, I love it. It's better than most of the stuff you see on Project Runway.

Alicia said...

Just gorgeous. Beautiful flowers, too!

Jennifer said...

Thanks, guys! I'm thinking I might have to ask Moms to bring more pics when she comes to visit later this month.